A MAP FOR FALASTEEN: A PALESTINIAN CHILD’S SEARCH FOR HOME written by Maysa Odeh and illustrated by Aliaa Betawi
Writer Maysa Odeh and illustrator Aliaa Betawi, both Palestinians, eloquently render the heartache of a country missing on the map, but not in the hearts of those who know it in A MAP FOR FALASTEEN: A PALESTINIAN CHILD’S SEARCH FOR HOME. When Falasteen’s teacher can’t locate Palestine on the map and decides “there’s no such place,” the young girl goes to wiser sources. Her grandfather gives life to the country by drawing a map. Her grandmother remembers being evacuated by soldiers and still wears the iron key that belonged to their home. Her mother lyrically explains how maps can’t erase memories or the past because “Palestine lives in you and me.” You can find out more about this book in the purchase link below.