Memoirs That Move Me

A book cover with a dragon on it


Activity kits were always key to me for relieving boredom during school breaks. Three new...
A book cover with an illustration of germs.

I’M TRYING TO LOVE GERMS written and illustrated by Bethany Barton

I’M TRYING TO LOVE GERMS is the sixth in Bethany Barton’s rollicking nonfiction series. The...
A book cover with a cactus in the middle of it.

THE CHRISTMASSY CACTUS written by Beth Ferry and illustrated by A.N. Kang

I have always loved how Beth Ferry finds an interesting path into story, choosing unusual...
A book cover with a bee on it.

 LET US DESCEND written and read by Jesamyn Ward

I'm switching my Memoir Monday pattern to Not-Memoir Monday as I catch up on my...
A picture book cover with cinderella and a mouse called fred.

CINDERELLA AND A MOUSE CALLED FRED written by Deborah Hopkinson and illustrated by Paul O. Zelinsky

Recasting of characters makes for fun in Deborah Hopkinson’s CINDERELLA AND A MOUSE CALLED FRED...
A book cover with several different people doing yoga.

BOYOGI: HOW A WOUNDED FAMILY LEARNS TO HEAL written by David Barclay Moore and illustrated by Noa Denmon

Parents who want to extend holiday fun and their children’s repertoire of festive customs will...
A picture book cover with a person riding on the back of a horse.

LA NOCHE BEFORE THREE KINGS DAY written by Sheila Colon-Bagley and illustrated by Alejandro Mesa

Parents who want to extend holiday fun and their children’s repertoire of festive customs will...
A book cover with various dinosaurs and words

LIFT-THE-FLAP QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT DINOSAURS written by Katie Daynes and illustrated by Marie-Eve Tremblay

.Katie Daynes’ LIFT-THE-FLAP QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT DINOSAURS takes the knowledge of one of Children’s...
A book cover with a picture of santa.

HOW DOES SANTA GO DOWN THE CHIMNEY? written by Mac Barnett and illustrated by Jon Klassen

Bring laughter and wonder into your tradition of holiday readalouds with the humor and magic...
A yellow backpack and stuffed animal are on the cover of class.


Today’s memoir is Stephanie Land’s CLASS:A MEMOIR OF MOTHERHOOD, HUNGER AND HIGHER EDUCATION. Whether you’re...