A woman sitting in front of an open laptop computer.

Children’s Book Editing

Susie Wilde believes that the best way to learn is from your own work. She provides evaluation, editing, and consultation to help writers:

  • Clarify Professional Direction
  • Improve Submission Chances
  • Prepare for Self-Publishing
  • Polish a Manuscript Before a Conference

Susie Wilde’s close readings are derived from a combination of her expertise in writing, teaching, and knowledge of the children’s book field. She has experience with picture books, chapter books, middle grade and young adult novels. Her various perspectives combine to give clients a better picture of their “next step.”

Evaluations (an overall picture of your manuscript) include

  • Manuscript Strong Points
  • General Questions to Aid in Rewriting
  • Suggested Readings to Aid Understanding of Your Book’s Marketplace Fit

Line-Editing (a close reading of your manuscript, line by line) includes

  • Recommendations for Sharpening and Clarifying Your Work
  • Specific Teaching Points Based on Manuscript Missteps
  • Tracking Overused Words
  • Catching Clichés

Consultations are useful for

  • Discussing Questions Specific to Your Manuscript
  • Discussing Editing and Possible New Directions
  • Weekly or Periodic Meetings to Support Ongoing Projects


  • The General Fee for All Services is $100/hour
  • Evaluation and Editing of a Picture Book Generally Take 2–4 Hours, This Fee Varies Based on the Manuscript’s Complexity
  • Evaluation of a Novel Generally Takes 6–10 Hours, Again Depending on the Complexity

To arrange for a children’s book critique, consultation or editing, contact Susie.


“We could not have been more pleased with Susie's clear comments about phrasing and word choices, transitions and tension. Her insightful advice guided our playful collaborative sessions and led to an even better book. Who would have thought that we could have such fun? We’re looking forwarding to having her help on our next book!”

Robert Long and Anne Mandeville-Long, authors of … And the Three Bears

Working with Susie Wilde has made my writing, editing, and entire book so much better! As a first-time author, I didn’t realize how much she would improve my writing and story until I began to work with her. She has gently and professionally guided me by asking detailed questions and making important suggestions (along with pointing out some fairly brutal truths) that turned my book into a much more focussed and meaningful story. If you need a highly skilled editor, you should hire Susie Wilde.

Yvonne Morrison, editing client

“As a small educational publisher, we (and our clients) are lucky to have Susie Wilde as an affordable and accessible resource to help make our stories and books better.”

Amy C. Spaulding, Editor, Sleepy Hollow Books