EMMA FULL OF WONDERS written and illustrated by Elisha Cooper
Elisha Cooper’s EMMA FULL OF WONDER captivated my heart for three reasons–Emma herself is a dog you can love easily, I knew a friend whose dog is getting ready to birth puppies, and I wanted to bring it to classes to show my students how the characterization and tone changes propel readers through the pages. This is a sneak peek because Emma won’t be available until early April. You can preorder at the link below.
My class starts in a week! Info is below:
Calling out to all those who have a passion for children’s books and have always wanted to write one. My class begins in less than two weeks and you can find information on my website’s event page: ignitingwriting.com/events. The five week adventure begins February 28th, meets from 6:30-8:30 pm Eastern. It’s sponsored by the Carrboro ArtsCenter and you can register at: https://app.amilia.com/store/en/theartscenter/shop/activities/4851325. Please join me!