A book cover with an animal on it.

EMMA FULL OF WONDERS written and illustrated by Elisha Cooper

Elisha Cooper’s EMMA FULL OF WONDER captivated my heart for three reasons–Emma herself is a dog you can love easily, I knew a friend whose dog is getting ready to birth puppies, and I wanted to bring it to classes to show my students how the characterization and tone changes propel readers through the pages. This is a sneak peek because Emma won’t be available until early April. You can preorder at the link below.

My class starts in a week! Info is below:
Calling out to all those who have a passion for children’s books and have always wanted to write one. My class begins in less than two weeks and you can find information on my website’s event page: ignitingwriting.com/events. The five week adventure begins February 28th, meets from 6:30-8:30 pm Eastern. It’s sponsored by the Carrboro ArtsCenter and you can register at: https://app.amilia.com/store/en/theartscenter/shop/activities/4851325. Please join me!