A book cover of alexei navalny 's patriot.

PATRIOT: A MEMOIR, written by Alexei Navalny, read by Matthew Goode

Alexei Navalny started writing PATRIOT: A MEMOIR soon after his near fatal poisoning in 2020. He examines his life with humor, courage, candor and passion whether he’s examining the events that led up to his poisoning, his less-than-honorable college years, his love for his wife and family, viewing of Putin’s rise to power, and his own entry into activism. The range within this book is huge—from his innocent observations of the Chernobyl’s effect to realizations that he would not live out life with his adored family. The memoir begins with the book he wanted to write and journal entries and blog posts made during his imprisonment. Matthew Goode appreciates all elements and emotions of this bookFind more information about the book and the audio in the purchase link below.