Whale Eyes

WHALE EYES: A MEMOIR ABOUT SEEING AND BEING SEEN written and read by James Robinson, illustrated by Brian Rea

James Robinson reads his memoir WHALE EYES: A MEMOIR ABOUT SEEING AND BEING SEEN, while Brian Rea illustrates it. The memoir recounts his childhood journey with strabismus, commonly known as crossed eyes, and alternating exotropia, in which one eye turns outward. In both conditions the eyes see separately instead of fusing images. I read and listened to this at the same time and whatever medium you choose, each is an immersive experience. The audio brings in friends to partake in answering the questions he poses, often describes “Brian’s illustrations” as if they ar collaborative colleagues. The book (and download) has illustrations for reader interaction. Test-taking therapies, peer staring and more place readers and listeners in Robinson’s perspective with astute descriptions of feelings and situations. The last third is more conventional as the author describes his mother’s intentional homeschooling, the connection of reading and his entry into filmmaking and discovery of how whales see out of one eye at a time and claiming that as a name for his disability. You can find out more about this book at the purchase link below.