WHEN THE WORLD TIPS OVER written Jandy Nelson
Jandy Nelson’s WHEN THE WORLD TIPS OVER had a bit of a rough beginning for me. The first one hundred pages took some doing partly from the introduction of the many characters who circle around the three main sibling characters. There’s younger sister Dizzy, the “perfect” Miles whose hard to read and Wyton, the musical eldest who seems to be followed by trouble. Each have their own perspectives which took a bit of sorting. Then there’s the mysterious angelic appearances and disappearances of rainbow-haired Cassidy who mysteriously and almost magically enters in the narratives of all three. But once I was captured, I couldn’t put the book down, was amazed at how Nelson wove historical, magical realism, and contemporary fiction as well as complicated plot lines. No wonder it took her 10 years to complete. Find out more about the book at the purchase link below.