GITA DESAI IS NOT HERE TO SHUT UP written by Sonia Patel, audio read by Rukmani K. Desai
(Trigger warnings: sexual abuse and assault) Rukmani K. Desai fully expresses facets of 1992 Stanford freshman, Gita Desai in Sonia Patel’s GITA DESAI IS NOT HERE TO SHUT UP. Humorous sarcasm and pre-med success communicate Gita’s intelligence. Desai also voices Gita’s uncertainty about developing sexuality and first girlfriend relationships. Desai moves easily between English and Indian terms, adding resonance to Gita’s wondering about the reason her aunt and uncle disappeared from her life a decade before, and how she’s internalized the chup-re (shut-up) with which she’s been raised. Desai builds tension and emotional intensity that may make listeners uncomfortable as Gita succumbs to sexual encounters, remembers fragments of her childhood sexual abuse and blames herself. These add triumphant when Gita finally speaks her truths. Patel’s Afterwords likens the story to her own life and offers resources for those who need them. Find out more about the book and audio book at the purchase link below.